I walk through Chinatown, NYC in order to go to work every morning and I noticed a new store was about to open on the corner of Catherine Street and East Broadway. There was no signage but I can look in easily through the ceiling to floor windows and saw a design board with Club Clio’s logo on the color samples for the walls! I was psyched that another k-beauty store was coming into town so I took a picture of the storefront for my records and waited for some sort of announcement before I leaked my photo out. Through IG, there was a Sample Sale announcement from JKNLee, a new k-beauty ecommerce site that houses Club Clio, Goodal, Peripera, Dr. G, Ostia, SOO AE, and even Tony Moly. Click through to see my SNEAK PEEK PHOTOS BEFORE IT OPENS TO THE PUBLIC TODAY!
1/9/16 EDIT: I published a new post with updated in-store photos and more details with pricing, products and how to shop!
JKNLEE Sample Sale!
2 East Broadway (Catherine St. cross street)
New York, NY 10038
1/7/16 – 1/10/16
Opening Times: 11AM – 6PM
The store is across the street from Golden Unicorn and Amore/Aritaum where I also did a photo tour! If you’re stopping by at the sale, you may want to stop by the Amore as well! Enjoy these early photos and please comment below or tag me on my instagram if you were able to go!
De ja vu! I see the same cosmetics that appeared in the Peach & Lily Sample Sale last summer. Looks like it will follow similar prices, $5 for each color cosmetic items and for Goodal skincare you can mix any 3 for $20. The Goodal Snail Gold Premium Sheet Masks are 3 boxes for $50 (I think there are 5 masks in a box).

Goodal and Ostia sheet masks ($10/box with 10 sheet masks in a box), it’s buy any 3 for $20 for Goodal skincare.

Nail polish trios for gradient effect look and eyeshadow pods – I think those are from Peripera (?).

These look like hair serums, Tony Moly Cleansing Oils (green bottles), Club Clio’s Kill Liquid Eyeliners and more colorful eyeliners! Spotted also the Tony Moly Fruit Princess Lipglosses.

Another shot of the Goodal army, Looks like it’s Buy any 3 Goodal products for $20 from reading the teeny sign from far away lol

BOXES of OSTIA sheet masks!!! O___O These are all made out of snail but have different colors to differentiate the purposes like pore care, brightening, moisturizing, etc. These are made out of a hybrid gel and cotton material, similar to the Freeset Donkey Masks. Again, $10 for a box of 10 which is really good!